Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(Darren Dugan) #1


In particular, we note thatL^0 n(x)=Ln(x). As discussed in the previous section,

Ln(x) is a polynomial of ordernand so it follows thatLmn(x) is also. The first few

associated Laguerre polynomials are easily found using (18.119):

Lm 0 (x)=1,

Lm 1 (x)=−x+m+1,

2!Lm 2 (x)=x^2 −2(m+2)x+(m+1)(m+2),

3!Lm 3 (x)=−x^3 +3(m+3)x^2 −3(m+2)(m+3)x+(m+1)(m+2)(m+3).

Indeed, in the general case, one may show straightforwardly, from the definition

(18.119) and the expression (18.111) for the ordinary Laguerre polynomials, that






xk. (18.120)

18.8.1 Properties of associated Laguerre polynomials

The properties of the associated Laguerre polynomials follow directly from those

of the ordinary Laguerre polynomials through the definition (18.119). We shall

therefore only briefly outline the most useful results here.

Rodrigues’ formula

A Rodrigues’ formula for the associated Laguerre polynomials is given by




(xn+me−x). (18.121)

It can be proved by evaluating thenth derivative using Leibnitz’ theorem (see

exercise 18.7).

Mutual orthogonality

In section 17.4, we noted that the associated Laguerre equation could be trans-

formed into a Sturm–Liouville one withp=xm+1e−x,q=0,λ=nandρ=xme−x,

and its natural interval is thus [0,∞]. Since the associated Laguerre polynomials

Lmn(x) are solutions of the equation and are regular at the end-points, those

with the samembut differing values of the eigenvalueλ=nmust be mutually

orthogonal over this interval with respect to the weight functionρ=xme−x,i.e.



Lmn(x)Lmk(x)xme−xdx=0 ifn=k.

This result may also be proved directly using the Rodrigues’ formula (18.121), as

may the normalisation condition whenk=n.

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