SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Of these types of duplicate content, two are especially harmful to your site: site mirroring and con-
tent scraping. If you’re using site mirroring, you should consider using a different backup method
for your web site. If you’re using content scraping you could be facing legal action for copyright
infringement. Content scraping is a practice that’s best avoided completely.

Stopping Copyright Infringement


opyright infringement can happen to you, too. If you include original content on your site, it’s very
likely that someone will come along and copy that content without your permission for use on
their site.

It’s important that you spend a little time each week checking for copyright infringement on your
original articles. One way to do this is to pull a unique phrase from your article or other content and
search for it on the Internet. If others are using your copy, it’s likely that your unique phrase will pop
up in the search results.

The problem with manually searching for unauthorized copies of your web-site content is that it’s
very time consuming, especially if you have hundreds of pages of content. But there’s good news.
Some services and software applications can help you quickly find duplicate copies of your content.

One web-based service is provided by Copyscape ( You can use its free serv-
ice to search the Web for content found at a specific URL. The results are usually accompanied by
links to search other pages on your site.

Copyscape checks the Internet for copies of the content on your web pages.



The Content Piece of the Puzzle 12

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