SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
geographically. Geo-targeting is a method of targeting specific traffic for your web site, based on the
geographical location of your business.

As more and more Internet users take advantage of the Internet as a purchasing and research tool,
those same users are integrating local searches into their behaviors and habits. For example, if a per-
son is in the market to buy a plasma television, he may spend time on the Internet searching for facts
and information about plasma TVs. In the beginning, this information can be generic in nature. It
doesn’t matter where it comes from, so long as it answers the customer’s questions.

The next phase of the buying process will then be pricing the television. And this will also take place
on the Internet. Geography now is becoming more important, but it’s not until the actual sale takes
place that geography becomes essential. Because many users choose to research on the Internet and
purchase in the store (or purchase on the Internet and pick up in the store), that customer might
take the time to find a local store (using the Internet) that offers the brand and price he is looking
for. If your site isn’t listed in some kind of local directory or categorized on at least one level by loca-
tion, you’ll miss out on those sales.

Geo-targeting is the practice of catering to site users based on their location. And it’s smart SEO. Many
search engines and directories offer some type of geo-targeting capabilities. Usually, these either require
that your physical location be included on your web site, or that you list your site in the right section
of a directory.

You’ve heard it said, “location, location, location.” Well, location is just as important on the Internet
as it in the real world, so don’t skip the geo-targeting aspect of optimizing your web site. Give search
engines and directories the extra information they need to ensure that your site shows up in local

Using Submission Tools

You may have already figured out that getting your site included in search engines and directories
is no easy task. It can take a lot of time, and if you don’t follow all the directions to the letter, you
risk the chance of being refused for listing. To help ease the process, a class of software tools, called
submission tools, has emerged for the SEO market.

Submission tools are automated software programs and applications that remember the repetitive
information that must be provided to get your web site listed in a search engine or directory. And
they sound like a great deal. Some can be, but not all of them.

One of the problems with many submission tools is that they try to scam web-site owners by prom-
ising to submit their site to thousands of search engines and directories for one low fee. The prob-
lem with that claim is that most of those search engines are either nonexistent or mostly worthless
to your site.

So, when considering web-site submission tools, look closely at the claims the programs make. And
then apply that golden rule, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” You can ask for a list of


Adding Your Site to Directories 14

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