SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1


t’s done. You’ve spent weeks or months optimizing your web site, integrat-
ing yourself into social networks as an expert, testing the right keywords,
and digging for all the right links. Now you’re number one for your key-
words and the traffic that comes to your site surpasses anything that you’ve
had in the past. It’s time to sit back and put your feet up on the desk. A nice
nap, a long lunch. Now that you’re not working on SEO all the time, you’re
free to do some of the more interesting things that are allowed (or not) during
working hours.

Stop. That’s a nice dream, but it’s not the way SEO works. So you’ve achieved a
top rank? So what. Tomorrow you could be buried three pages deep in search
engine results or worse, because a search engine changed its algorithm and
you weren’t on top of it. Or maybe you just got knocked down below the fold
of the first page because other web sites added some features that made them
more popular than yours. Below the fold is not terrible, but it’s also not above
the fold, right there where a user can see your listing without having to scroll.
And it’s not the top position that you held yesterday.

It’s Not Over

In order to maintain that great rank that you’ve finally reached, you have to
stay on top of your SEO efforts. You’ve read it more than once in this book
already — SEO is a never-ending process. Once you’re where you want to be,
there’s a lot of work that must be done to keep you there. Even taking a short
time away from your efforts could lead to a drop in your position.

A good practice is to include an outline in your original SEO plan for the
actions you need to take and the amount of time you’ll need for them. On



It’s Not Over ......................................................................................................................

Using Content Management Systems ................................................................................


SEO Problems and Solutions ............................................................................................

SEO Beyond the Launch

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