SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

(Barré) #1
Also, organizations should be thinking about making a web site that is easy for search engines to
navigate but is also appealing to the user. And as new technologies evolve and begin to be imple-
mented, organizations should carefully research and understand the impact those technologies will
have on SEO.

Going back to the previous question for a minute, another situation where things get tripped up is
when a smaller organization is a separate entity, but part of a larger organization. Often we see that
a satellite office has a clear picture of what they want from SEO, but they are often without the abil-
ity to achieve that picture because their hands are tied by the corporate organization.

For example, we talked with a small local office of a large non-profit organization. They wanted to
incorporate better SEO into their site, but when we looked at their site we found there was a lot of
duplicate content across the web site. But fixing that has to come from the top down, so our hands
were tied. Because the larger organization wouldn’t change the way they did things, the duplicate
content couldn’t be removed.

If the SEO goals of the larger organization don’t fit with the SEO goals of the smaller organization,
there are limits to what can be done.

Jerri: Is there anything else that you think is important for organizations to understand
about SEO?

Wetzler: There is one thing that I think some organizations miss. The organization should not look at
SEO as the whole picture. SEM should be part of the bigger picture. Small to mid-sized businesses are
looking for a solution that gets their ranking up naturally, but it takes more than just organic SEO. SEO
efforts should be combined with marketing efforts in order to achieve the best possible exposure.

There are also some companies that have incredible natural search engine results that want to know
why they should invest in a paid program like pay-per-click. The combination of SEO and SEM is
more effective than either of them alone.



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