of structural elements that are normally concealed, coupled with a design
approach characterized by simplicity and rigour, proves more than suffi-
cient to transform spaces.
With respect to structure’s spatialimpacts, others have explained how
structure generates a spatial field around it, affecting how a space is per-
ceived and creating opportunities for ‘place-making’. A simple study
illustrates how, within the same volume, changes in structural layout
can greatly affect how a space is read. Relatively small-scale structure
that forms domestic-sized spatial units also affects our spatial experi-
ence. It instills an impression of being inhabited and of framing activities
within it. Where larger in scale, interior structure offers many diverse
spatial and visual experiences. At the extremes of structural scale,
structure either all but disappears visually, or else its massiveness may
be overwhelming. Structure also plays important roles ordering spaces,
and in other cases, imposing a sense of spatial hierarchy.
The expressivepotential of interior structure is boundless. The examples
provided only begin to indicate the extent to which structure can express
all manner of issues. Two structures illustrate expression of externally
acting soil pressures. In another building, structure expresses concepts
related to breaking conventions and ‘the unexpected’. We also see struc-
ture mirroring the intensity of the emotional climate of one set of build-
ing occupants, and reassuring others in what could be termed ‘a structural
embrace’. Finally, interior structure can helpfully express and accentu-
ate building geometries in such a way that leads to additional architec-
tural enrichment.
References and notes
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8 Van Meiss, P. (1990).Elements of Architecture: From Form to Place.Van
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