transparency has led to structural complexity. Rather than frame the
pyramid conventionally with solid sloping rafters spanning between the
base and the four ridges of the pyramid, the architect opted for a diag-
onally orientated system – a two-way grillage of stressed cable-beams.
While small diameter stainless-steel members offer a high degree of
transparency, from many viewing angles the profusion of rods and con-
nections is visually confusing (Fig. 7.50). Visual complexity arises prima-
rily due to the large number of individual members, even though each
is small.
▲ 7.48 Millennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place, Sussex,
England, Stanton Williams, 2000. Barrel-vaulted roof forms.
▲ 7.49 Detailing matches the simple structural forms.
▲ 7.50 Grand Louvre, Paris, France, I. M. Pei, 1989. Visually confusing structure.