their light colour create a fine mesh-like screen that lessens the visual
impact of the exposed columns and wall cladding behind it. From a func-
tional perspective, the horizontal separation of the screen from the
envelope provides width for circulation routes along the front façade,
and space for exposed services at the rear.
The main façade of the Mexican Embassy, Berlin, is the final example of
exterior structure functioning as a screen (Fig. 4.19). Forty closely
spaced and over-structured concrete mullions-cum-columns, necessi-
tated by neither gravity nor wind loads, satisfy security and aesthetic
requirements. By virtue of their depth and close spacing the columns
▲ 4.18 Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, Piano and Rogers, 1977. Screening effect of
structure on the main façade.
▲ 4.19 Mexican Embassy, Berlin, Germany, González de León and Serrano, 2000.
Dynamic columned-walls.