Principles of Marriage and Family Ethics

(Chris Devlin) #1

unreasonable bondageandthe newhusband may not be ableto meet
their demands any better than the previous one.

time and effort for the well-beingof your family and husband rather
thantrying toimitate everyone.If your husband spendslavishly, then
stophimandcurbhis unnecessaryexpenses.Insteadof buyingnones-
sential commodities, it is better to save some money for a rainy day.

wrath of Allah on the Day of Resurrection. In another Tradition. The
Holy Prophet (SA) stated:

"Anywomanwhoisnotcompatiblewith herhusband,isnotcontent
bydemanding himto givemorethanheisable,thenheracts(orwor-
ship) are not acceptable by Allah and He will be angry with her".

In other Tradition, the Holy Prophet (SA) stated:

"Afterhavingfaithin Allah,thereisnot anygreaterblessingthanto
have a compatible spouse".

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