The Bible and Politics in Africa

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Chamburuka, A Theological reflection on Romans 13:1-7 in ...

or the common good have often been converted to the use of individuals
in positions of trust (such as the privatization and exploitation of dia-
monds at Chiadzwa in Manicaland by few political heavy weights). In-
deed these scandals have helped to derail our economic progress and
produce social misery. It has to be acknowledged that the curbing of
corruption is an uphill task mainly because for the past years there has
been some form of lawlessness in the country. People who were sup-
posed to be the custodians of the law were the chief perpetrators of cor-
ruption. There was a growing “myth” if not truth that everyone is cor-
rupt, hence the transition back to civil order needs a collective effort
among the Zimbabwean citizen for the good of the country. The church
is mandated to stop this haemorrhage that has mulled the rights of the
poor and stop errant and erroneous interpretation of Rom 13 :1-7. It is
high time that the church must confront and reprimand court prophets
who legitimize anarchy and diabolic practices of the state by falsely quot-
ing Rom 13.
Currently the GNU is working on a draft constitution, which is a wel-
come gesture. However, the church has to be fully involved and make
sure that the final draft embodies the will of the less privileged members
of the society such as the disabled, women and children. Repressive laws
such as AIPPA and POSA must be revised or removed from the consti-
tution. All the parties must agree upon electoral laws and the public
must be free to express their opinion. In other words the church must
not leave the process of drafting the constitution to politicians but has to
monitor and contribute meaningfully. The church must disseminate in-
formation to the general public and conscientise them of any mishaps
within the process as well as equipping them with the requisite knowl-
edge so that people can be part of the process from an informed posi-
tion. Current alleged intimidation by the former ruling party ZANU PF
in which they have launched operation Usataure or Chimumumu (Op-
eration Don’t Speak Out) has to be grossly condemned at all cost; be-
cause the operation is geared at preventing the Zimbabwean populace in
the rural areas endorsing the wishes of the politicians and not to air their
independent views freely. This shameful operation is allegedly spear-
headed by ZANU PF youths and war veterans. Some analysts contend
that, this move is meant to protect the interests of the former ruling
party in the event of future elections (probably in 2011). They know that

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