Verster, Empowering the poor: The Bible and the poor in informal settlements ...
Being present on ground level the church can and should make a differ-
ence. This difference should help the poor to live a more complete life.
Love in the community with brotherhood and sisterhood can lead the
church to new engagements with the poor. The simple message of the
Bible of looking after each other is often more meaningful than large
interventions. Reaching out to one another in the informal settlements
can build a community of love and respect. This can lead to a more
meaningful life of hope.
The church in Africa, South of the Sahara is present in the villages and
towns, in the informal settlements and cities, in the rural areas and
slums. The church can play an influential role in the alleviation of pov-
erty. Being the church, it can, by brotherhood and sisterhood, in the
most poor areas help to bridge the abyss of absolute poverty. The start is
always to reach out to one another, then to those in the community and
also prophetically to the church and community at large. In Jesus Christ
the community of hope generates hope.
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