The Bible and Politics in Africa

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

BiAS 7 – The Bible and Politics in Africa

culture as well as in the Bible are custodians of order and wisdom. They
are libraries of the community in as much as they are anchors of the
society. The elders represent stability, health and wealth of the commu-
nity. That is why the death of an elder in Africa has been equated to the
burning of a library. The logical conclusion therefore for Mahoso, as well
as pan-Africanists in Zimbabwe is; disrespecting elders (Mugabe, war
veterans, army generals, among others) is tantamount to disrespecting
ancestors and God himself. They are indeed ancestors. In other words,
disobeying in form of voting against Mugabe and showing disrespect to
him is unbiblical, unchristian and equally unAfrican.
According to Mahoso’s pan-African biblical exegesis, that is rooted in
African history and is supported by facts that have become almost uni-
versal, elders are very important pillars of any nation, as was made clear
in the Bible (Num.11:16-17; Exo. 4:29-31). For him, that is the reason
Britain and other Western powers spend a lot of money trying to dis-
suade Africans from respecting their elders.^38 Citing Colin Turnbull^39 ,
whose views about the role of the elders in politics augurs well with pan-
Africanism, hence with Num.11:16-17 and Exo. 4:29-31 Mahoso teaches
the youth of Africa represented by those in Zimbabwe’s MDC, academia,
and media like Conway Tutani, whose views evidence strong hatred of
African political elders and Africa’s old people in general that it is un-
Godly to hate your own elders but only to love those of others.^40
This attitude to substitute African elders, with foreign elders especially
former colonisers, substituting own institutions with foreign ones is rife
in Africa. It is indeed a big setback to African liberation; hence an Afri-
can tragedy. In Zimbabwe, conspicuous about the MDC leadership and
supporters; academics, church leaders, NGOs among others is a consis-
tent, spirited and devoted contempt of national liberation leaders, insti-
tutions and national celebrations such as Independence ceremonies.41
As I have shown above, contrary to the biblical teaching (Num.11:16-17;

(^38) Tafataona Mahoso, ‘Denigration of African Elders’.
(^39) Colin Turnbull, The Human Cycle. Simon & Schuster, 1984; Cf. Tafataona Mahoso,
‘Denigration of African Elders’.
(^40) Tafataona Mahoso, ‘Denigration of African Elders’.
(^41) Tsvangirai even after he became Prime Minister in February 2009 continued to boycott
national events; Cf. Mahoso, ‘Zimbabwe: Rhodie Shadow in MDC-T’s Front Office’.
The Herald. 10 November 2009; Cf. ‘Mugabe's fury as US envoy
admits playing golf with Tsvangirai’.

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