Toni Langford Power Couples.........
As we crest 2014, who are some of the most prominent ‘Power Couples’ as leaders in media, retail business,
entertainment and communications in Australia and the South Pacific?
Not in any particular order yet with wealth as a bench mark, some are billionaires from their own enterprises, while
others are multi-millionaires through talent, innovation, creativity, foresight and years of effort.
They have all survived recessions and thrived the boom times and become ‘power couples’.
Gerry Harvey & Katie Page
Lachlan & Sarah Murdoch
David Gyngell & Leila McKinnon
Andrew Denton & Jennifer Byrne
These couples didn’t rely on luck to become successful. They were considerate of their partners and created a better
future for each other along their journey.
While they may not have had a specific list of rules they followed, power couples have found a formula that sustains
one another. They are respectful of each other’s wants, needs desires and when it comes to decisions that can impact
each other.
From my research over many years, I’ve listed key areas or principles that can underpin a strong, loving, respectful and
successful relationship for couples.
ACCEPTANCE: A good relationship has acceptance because we fall in love for a variety of reasons. Be yourself, accept
who your partner is and don't try to force change on them.
FAITHFULLNESS: Unless you and your partner have made a ‘unique couples pact’, cheating can lead to unrecoverable
heart ache and create a powerless or stalled relationship.
Even worldly ‘Power Couples’ like John and Jackie Kennedy or Bill and Hillary Clinton found their formula for
sustaining their long yet trying marriages. In spite of the whispers, grapevines, secret services, lies, truth, politics and
media during their years in the public domain, both marriages survived repeated unfaithful times and they prospered
as a ‘couple’.
JOY: Let them do what they love doing that creates their happiness. If your partner has always played football, tennis,
golf, hockey, surfed or likes to fish, hunt or go to the movies with ‘the girls’, then let them.
Human beings need to expel non-sexual energy or passion into interests outside their own relationship that can
generate new experiences and stories to share with each other.
CONGRUENCY: If you promise to do something or be someplace, then do it or be there. Our word does mean
something to those we love most. Integrity, ethics, honour and courtesy are cornerstones of healthy relationships and
power couples.
Avoid Jealousy, Gossip and Negative Thinking: Humans are emotional beings who have the power of choice. This is
what makes us unique from the animal and insect worlds. We can choose to be above or below the line of good or
poor thinking and communication habits. Power couples focus on building momentums and then keep growing them.
Listen ... really listen: When your partner wants to talk, ask them do they want a ‘listener or an adviser’, that way you
know which role is expected of you. There are times to let someone ‘get it off their chest’ and then other times to
offer a different perspective, tip or honest comment with support and love as the basis for that feedback.
What floats their boat? Girls and woman love to be appreciated, being told ‘thank you’, commenting on their
appearance, how good the meal was, acknowledging things that they do. Guys want to be accepted for who they are,
acknowledged for deeds done and told they are the centre of the (ir) universe.
RESPECT: Aretha Franklin got it right when she sang out ‘R.E.S.P.E.C.T.’ in 1967. Her
song became an anthem for woman worldwide. Respect starts from within, yet goes out
from there to reach the far corners in relationships and in our lives.
Toni Langford has a Diploma of Applied Holistic Counselling and her passion is working
with couples keeping it simple as the key to great communication. (The KISS principal).
For counselling insights call Toni at 02 8090 4122 or 0414 718 338 or email
[email protected] | (Based in Sydney, Australia)