Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

56 1 Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins

Fig. 1.28.Tertiary structures (schematic: spiral:α-helix, arrow: pleated sheet) of theβ-chain of hemoglobin (a),
of triosephosphate isomerase (b) and carboxypeptidase (c). (according toWalton, 1981)

However, a PrPp forces the pathogenic confor-
mation on a PrPn. The stability towards serine
proteinase K from the fungus Tritirachium
album is used to differentiate between PrPp
and PrPn. Serine proteinase K, which attacks
the carboxyl side of hydrophobic amino acids,
largely hydrolyzes PrPn while a characteristic
peptide (Mr27-30 kDa) is released from PrPp.
This marker can be identified using the sandwich
ELISA (cf. 2.6.3). QuaternaryStructures....................................

In addition to the free energy gain by folding
of a single peptide chain, association of more
than one peptide chain (subunit) can provide
further gains in free energy. For example,
hemoglobin (4 associated peptide chains)
G^0 =−46 kJ mole−^1 and the trypsin-trypsin
inhibitor complex (association of 2 peptide
chains)G^0 =− 75 .2kJmole−^1. In principle
such associations correspond to the folding of
a larger peptide chain with several structural
domains without covalently binding the subunits.
Table 1.26 lists some proteins which partially
exhibit quaternary structures. Denaturation

The term denaturation denotes a reversible or ir-
reversible change of native conformation (tertiary
structure) without cleavage of covalent bonds (ex-
cept for disulfide bridges). Denaturation is pos-
sible with any treatment that cleaves hydrogen

Table 1.26.Examples of globular proteins

Name Origin Molecular Number
weight of
(Kdal) subunits

Lysozyme Chicken egg 14. 61
Papain Papaya latex 20. 71
α-Chymotrypsin Pancreas 23 1
Trypsin Pancreas 23. 81
Pectinesterase Tomato 27. 5
Chymosin Stomach 31
β-Lactoglobulin Milk 35 2
Pepsin A Stomach 35 1
Peroxidase Horseradish 40 1
Hemoglobin Blood 64. 54
Avidin Chicken egg 68. 34
dehydrogenase Liver (horse) 80 2
Yeast 150 4
Hexokinase Yeast 104 2
dehydrogenase Heart (swine) 135 4
Glucose oxidase P. notatum 152
Pyruvate kinase Yeast 161 8
A. niger 186
β-Amylase Sweet potato 215 4
Catalase Liver (beef) 232 4
M. lysodeikticus 232
triphosphatase Heart (beef) 284 6
Urease Jack beans 483 6
synthetase E. coli 592 12
decarboxylase E. coli 820 10
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