Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 1021

–, sensory property 364(T)
Furosine 070
–, formation 279, 279 , 284, 284
–, indicator, heat treatment 285
–, occurrence 285(T)
Fusariotoxin F 2 474(T)
Fusariotoxin T 2 473 , 474(T)
Fusel oil, alcohol production 930

Galactaric acid 262, 262
Galactitol 261
Galacto-oligosaccharide, production 878
Galactose 251
–, enzymatic analysis 139(T)
–, equilibrium mixture 255(T)
–, nutritional/physiological property 864(T), 866
–, occurrence 250(T)
–, production 863(T)
–, relative sweetness 259(T), 863(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
–, sweet taste, temperature dependence 866(F)
Galactose dehydrogenase, reaction 139(T)
Galactose sulfate 304, 305(T)
–, energy content 255(T)
–, energy content 255(T)
–, saccharose production 871
–, application 152
Galacturonic acid 262
–, competitive inhibitor153, 154(F)
–, synthesis 262
Gallic acid 825
–, fruit, content 825(T)
–, occurrence 825(T)
–, wine 920(T)
Galllic acid equivalent (GAE) 962
Gallocatechin, cacao bean 963
Game 593
Ganglioside 181
–, milk 181, 182 , 515
Garden bean, hydrocyanic acid 761(T)
–, production data 747(T)
–, proteinase inhibitor, stability758(T)
–, saponin content 763(T)
Garlic, aroma substance 790
Gas extraction, aroma analysis 348, 348(T)
Gaseous sterilant 453
GC olfactometry 350, 352(F)
Gel, formation, amylose 320(F)
–, –, cellulose ether 329, 329(F)
–, –, polysaccharide 299, 299(F)
–, –, protein 062
–, –, xanthan gum 331

–, heat resistant 303
–, ionic strength 063
–, permeation chromatography, deep fried fat 221,
–, thermally reversible 306
–, thermoplastic 063
–, thermoreversible 063
Gel builder 464
Gelatin, candy 881
–, gel formation 583, 583(F)
–, HLB-value 460(T)
–, production, lipase 154
Gelatinization temperature, starch 317(T)
Genetic code 046, 046(F)
Genistein 762
Gentian liquor 932
Gentianose 295(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Gentio-oligosaccharide, production 877
Gentiobiose 263 , 295(T)
–, component of crocin 239
–, honey 886(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Gentisic acid 825
–, aromaquality340(T)
–, odor threshold value 343
Geranial, aroma quality340(T)
–, sensory property 386(T)
Geraniol 383
–, sensory property 386(T)
Germ, cereal 675(T), 676(F), 676(T)
German degree of hardness, drinking water 986,
Gin 932
Ginger, aroma substance 977
–, essential oil, chemical composition974(T)
–, pungent substance 980(T)
Ginger ale 904
Gingerol 980
Glandular product 595
Glazed fruit 851
Gliadin, amino acid composition 683(T)
–, aminoacylation 082(F)
–, baking quality 692
–, rheological property 695(F)
–, RP-HPLC, wheat cultivar 682(F)
Gliadin,α- 681, 683(T), 685
–, amino acid sequence 689(T)
Gliadin,γ- 681, 683(T), 685
–, amino acid sequence 689(T)
Gliadin,ω1,2- 683(T), 684, 685(T)
Gliadin,ω5- 683(T), 684, 685(T)
Globular protein 053
Globulin, blood plasma 594
–, cereal 676(T), 678(T)
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