Index 1025
Hard cheese 529, 531(T)
–, ripening, yield 532
Hardened off-flavor, soybean oil 205
Harman 026, 029
Harvest loss, pest control 475
Haze, fruit juice 837
Hazel nut, chemical composition816(T)
Hazelnut, aroma analysis 353, 354(F)
–, roasting, filbertone 882
HD 3 F (see Furaneol)
HDL 184
Headspace analysis 347(F), 348, 350, 352(F)
–, dynamic 350
–, static 347(F), 348, 349, 349(F), 352(F)
Health hazard, mycotoxin 475
–, PPA 486
Heart, chemicalcomposition 594(T)
Heat treatment, detection 285
Heating, fish 634
–, meat 597
–, milk 133(F)
–, vegetable 799, 800
–, –, discoloration 795
Heavy metal, acceleration of lipid peroxidation 199
–, reaction with hydroperoxide 199
Helical structure, protein 051
Hemagglutination 759
Heme 574 , 574(F)
–, formation of oxidized fatty acid, 212(T)
–, reaction with monohydroperoxide 200, 200
Hemicellulase 335
Hemicellulose 250(T), 330
–, fruit ripening 845
Hemin 103
Hemoglobin 573, 574(F)
–, electrophoresis 605(F), 610(F)
–, fish 625
–, oxygen binding 574(F)
–, tertiary structure 056(F)
Heptadienal, (E,E)-2,4-
–, linolenic acid,α-
–, –, autoxidation 203(T)
–, sensory property 204(T)
Heptadienal, (E,Z)-2,4-
–, linolenic acid,α-
–, –, autoxidation 203(T)
–, sensory property 204(T)
Heptadienal, 2,4-
–, autoxidation 206(F)
Heptanal, linoleic acid, autoxidation 203(T)
–, oleic acid, autoxidation 203(T)
–, sensory property 204(T)
Heptanone, 2-
–, sensory property 226(T)
Heptenal, (E)-2-
–, linoleic acid, autoxidation 203(T)
–, linolenic acid,α-
–, –, autoxidation 203(T)
–, sensory property 204(T)
Heptenal, (Z)-4-
–, formation 222
–, precursor 203
–, sensory property 204(T)
–, stability397(T)
Heptulose, occurrence 250(T)
Heptulose, D-manno-2- 250(T)
–, specific rotation 258(T)
Herbicide 483
–, chemical structure 477(F)
–, trade name and activity 480(T)
Hercynine 019(T)
Hernandulcin 442, 443
–, structure and taste 443
–, sweet taste 443
Herniarin 824(T)
Herring 618
Herring oil 644, 644(T)
–, unsaponifiable component 226(T)
Hesperitin 832, 832
Heterofermentation, glucose 521(F)
Heterogeneous immunoassay 142
Hexadienoic acid, 2,4- 452
Hexahydroxydiphenic acid 825, 825
Hexametaphosphate, additive 455(T)
Hexamethyldisilazane 291
Hexanal, autoxidation of linoleic acid 205
–, formation, enzymatic 210(F), 211(T)
–, indicator for aroma defect 203
–, indicator of fat deterioration 668
–, linoleic acid, autoxidation 203(T)
–, sensory property 204(T)
–, stability397(T)
–, warmed over flavor 608, 608(T)
Hexanol, odor threshold value 341(T)
Hexanone, 2-
–, sensory property 226(T)
Hexen-3-one, 1-
–, artichoke aroma 792
–, odor threshold value 792
Hexenal, (E)-2-
–, autoxidation 397, 397
–, formation, enzymatic 210
–, linolenic acid,α-
–, –, autoxidation 203(T)
–, odor profile 343(F)
–, sensory property 204(T)
–, stability397(T)
Hexenal, (E)-3-
–, formation, enzymatic 211(T)
–, linolenic acid,α-
–, –, autoxidation 203(T)