Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1

1050 Index

–, temperature of phasetransition006, 006(T), 007
–, triple helices 298, 299(F)
–, use in food 301(T)
Polysaccharide other than starch, cereal 702
Polyunsaturated fatty acid,ω-3-
–, fish 627, 627(T)
Polyvinyl pyrrolidone 333, 333 , 464
Pomace 914
Pomace wine 917
Poncirin 832, 833(T)
Pop beverage 856
Pop corn aroma 368, 369(T)
Poppy oil 651(T), 653
Pork 593
–, boiled, aroma 605, 606(T)
–, consumption data 565(T)
–, meat, composition 569(T)
–, progesterone 228(T)
Porter, beer 904
Portwine 926, 927(T)
–, sotolon 926
Post-mortem change, fish 627(F), 629
–, meat 587
Potassium 422(T)
–, content, human body 421(T)
–, occurrence in food 422(T)
Potassium chloride, taste 982
Potassium ferrocyanide, addition to salt 983
Potassium-40 470
Potato, aroma substance 788, 789(T)
–, boiled, aroma 788, 789(T)
–, cultivar differentiation 780(F)
–, enzymatic browning 122
–, enzyme, inactivation 134, 135(F)
–, –, thermal stability135(F)
–, fatty acid with dienyl ether structure 210, 210
–, glutathione 038
–, lectin 759(T)
–, lipolysis 191(T)
–, lipoxygenase, reaction specificity 207(T)
–, phospholipid, occurrence 179(T)
–, proteinase inhibitor 780(F)
–, steroid alkaloid 798, 798 , 798(T)
–, temperature of phase transition006(T)
Potato protein, biological valence 030
Potato starch, gelatinization 320(F)
Poultry 593
–, consumption data 565(T)
–, meat extract 602
–, production data 563(T)
PPA 480(T)
–, ADI utilization 486, 486(T)
–, amount used 482, 482(T)
–, analysis 483
–, chemical structure 477(F)
–, LD 50 480(T)

–, market share 475(T)
–, metabolite 484
–, monitoring program 482(T), 485
–, MPL 485
–, natural 486
–, –, consumption 486
–, plant-protective agent 475
–, residue 475, 480(T), 482(T), 484(T), 485
–, resistance of pest population 476
–, results ofd analysis, example 482, 482(T), 484(T)
–, risk assessment 485, 486(T)
Praline 968
Prebiotics 867
Precalciferol 229
Pregelatinized flour 722
Pregelatinized starch 326
Premier jus 642
Preservation, catalase 149
Preservative 449
Pressed honey 884
Pressing, oilseed 647
Pressure, enzyme activity 136
–, microorganism 136
Primary structure, protein 040
Prime beef fat 642
Prion, pathogenic 055
Pristane 227
Pristanic acid 160
–, structure 161(T)
Proanthocyanidin 828, 829
Proanthocyanin, cacao bean 963
Probiotics 523
Process flavor 607, 607(T)
Processed cheese, alkali treatment 449
–, carboxymethyl cellulose 330
Processed meat, additive, determination 612
Procyanidin 828
Prodelphidin 828
Progesterone 228, 228
–, occurrence 228(T)
Progoitrin 789(T), 798
Prolamin, barley 680, 684(F)
–, celiac disease 674
–, cereal 676(T), 679(T)
–, oat 684(F)
–, rye 680, 684(F)
–, wheat 679(T), 680, 684(F)
–, –, amino acid sequence 689(T)
–, wheat (see also gliadin)
Prolinase 076
Proline 010
–, discovery 012
–, ninhydrine reaction 022
–, precursor of odorant 368, 370
Promotion of ripening, fruit 847
Pronase, specificity 086
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