Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
1.4 Proteins 71

for example, lactose or glucose, which yield
protein-bound ε-N-deoxylactulosyl-1-lysine or
ε-N-deoxyfructosyl-1-lysine, respectively. Ly-
sine is not biologically available in these forms.
Acidic hydrolysis of such primary reaction
products yields lysine as well as the degradation
products furosine and pyridosine in a constant
ratio (cf.


A nonreducing sugar (e. g. sucrose) can also
cause a loss of lysine when conditions for sugar
hydrolysis are favorable.
Losses of available lysine, cystine, serine, threo-
nine, arginine and some other amino acids occur
at higher pH values. Hydrolysates of alkali-
treated proteins often contain some unusual
compounds, such as ornithine,β-aminoalanine,
lysinoalanine, ornithinoalanine, lanthionine,
methyllanthionine andD-alloiso-leucine, as well
as otherD-amino acids.
The formation of these compounds is based on the
following reactions: 1,2-elimination in the case of
hydroxy amino acids and thio amino acids results
in 2-amino-acrylic acid (dehydroalanine) or 2-
aminocrotonic acid (dehydro-aminobutyric acid):


In the case of cystine, the eliminated thiolcysteine
can form a second dehydroalanine residue:


Alternatively, cleavage of the cystine disulfide
bond can occur by nucleophilic attack on sulfur,
yielding a dehydroalanine residue via thiol and
sulfinate intermediates:




Intra- and interchain cross-linking of proteins
can occur in dehydroalanine reactions involving
additions of amines and thiols. Ammonia may
also react via an addition reaction:


Acidic hydrolysis of such a cross-linked pro-
tein yields the unusual amino acids listed in
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