Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
4.4 Polysaccharides 297

Fig. 4.12.Conformations of someβ-D-glucans. Link-
ages:a 1 → 4 ,b 1 → 3 ,c 1 →2 (according toRees,

a pectin chain (1,4-linkedα-D-galactopyranosyl-
uronate units):


and the same pleated conformation is shown
by an alginate chain (1,4-linked α-L-gulo-
pyranosyluronate units):


Ca^2 +ions can be involved to stabilize the confor-
mation. In this case, two alginate chains are as-
sembled in a conformation which resembles an
egg box (egg box type of conformation):


It should be emphasized that in all examples the
linear, ribbon-type conformation has a zigzag
geometry as a common feature. HollowHelix-TypeConformation..........................

This conformation is typical for 1,3-linkedβ-D-
glucopyranose units (Fig. 4.12, b), as occur in
the polysaccharide lichenin, found in moss-like
plants (lichens):


The formula shows that the helical conformation
of the chain is imposed by a U-form geometry of
the monomer linkages. Amylose (1,4-linkedα-D-
glucopyranosyl residues) also has such a geom-
etry, and hence a helical conformation:


The number of monomers per turn (n)andthe
pitch in the axial direction per residue (h)is
highly variable in a hollow helical conformation.
The value of n is between 2 and±10, whereas
h can be near its limit value of 0. The confor-
mation of aβ( 1 → 3 )-glucan, withn= 5. 64
andh= 3 .16 Å, is shown in Fig. 4.12, b. The
helial conformation can be stabilized in var-
ious ways. When the helix diameter is large,
inclusion (clathrate) compounds can be formed
(Fig. 4.13, a; cf. More extended or
stretched chains, with smaller helix diameter,
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