4.5 References 337
Table 4.29.Cellulases
EC No. Name Synonym Reaction Cellulase Cxfactor Endohydrolysis of
CMCasea,1,4-β-D-glucosidic bonds
glucanase Cellulose C 1 factor Exohydrolysis of
1,4-β-cellobiosidase avicellase 1,4-β-D-glucosidic bonds with
formation of cellobiose from
cellulose or 1,4-β-glucooligo-
saccharides. The attack proceeds
from the nonreducing end. β-Glucosidase Cellobiase Hydrolysis of terminalβ-D-
amygdalase glucose residues inβ-glucans
aCMC: carboxymethylcellulose; the enzyme activity can be measured via the decrease in
viscosity of a CMC solution.
the insoluble fibers remain in the residue. The
water soluble fibers in the supernatant are iso-
lated by precipitation with ethanol, ultrafiltration
or dialysis. The protein and mineral matter still
remaining with the soluble and insoluble dietary
fibers is deducted with the help of correction
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