8.15 Surface-Active Agents 459
Cubic: Cubic space- and face-centered water ag-
gregates in a matrix of emulsifier molecules; the
polar groups are oriented towards the water.
Phase diagrams show the mesophase present as
a function of water content and temperature.
In the phase diagram of the o/w emulsifier
lysolecithin (Fig. 8.17, a), micelles, a lamellar,
and a hexagonal phase appear. The w/o emulsi-
fier 1-monoelaidin (Fig. 8.17, b) crystallizes at
Fig. 8.17.Binary phase diagrams for the system emul-
sifier/water (according toKrog, 1990)(a)Lysolecithin,
1 Crystals, 2 Micelles, 3 Microemulsion, 4 Hexagonal I,
5 Lamellar, 6 Hexagonal II, 7 Cubic
Fig. 8.18.Ternary phase diagram for the system mono-
glycerides (from sunflower oil)/water/soybean oil at
40 ◦C (according toLarssonandDejmek, 1990)
1 Microemulsion, 2 Cubic, 3 Hexagonal II, 4 Lamellar
temperatures below 30◦C. The β-modification
formed first is converted to the more stable
β-form, which unlike theα-form, has no emul-
sifying properties. The melted 1-monoelaidin
forms a microemulsion with little water and
lamellar and cubic mesophases with much water.
1-Monoolein (Fig. 8.17, c) melts at lower tem-
peratures and an inverse hexagonal mesophase
The phases of simply constituted food emulsions,
which are present at a certain temperature de-
pending on the composition, show a ternary phase
diagram, e. g., in Fig. 8.18. HLB-Value
A tenside with a relatively strong lipophilic group
and weak hydrophilic group is mainly soluble
in oil and preferentially stabilizes a w/o emul-
sion, and vice versa. This fact led to the de-
velopment of a standard with which the rela-
tive strength or “activity” of the hydrophilic and
lipophilic groups of emulsifiers can be evaluated.
It is called theHLB value(hydrophilic–lipophilic
balance). It can be determined, e. g., from dielec-
tric constants or from the chromatographic be-
havior of the surface-active substance. The HLB
value of the fatty acid esters of polyhydroxy al-
cohols can also be calculated as follows (SV =