Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
10.2 Dairy Products 521

Fig. 10.19.Schematic presentation of milk processing

10.2 Dairy Products

Milk processing is illustrated schematically in
Fig. 10.19.

10.2.1 Fermented Milk Products

All sour milk products have undergone fermenta-
tion, which can involve not only lacticacid bac-
teria, but also other microorganisms, e. g., yeasts.
To the lactic acid bacteria count the generaLac-
tobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc,andPedio-
coccus.The most important species are presented
in Table 10.25.
Depending on the microorganisms involved,
fermentation proceeds via the glycolysis path-

Fig. 10.20.Glucose metabolism in lactic acid bacteria. A: homofermentation, B: Bifidus pathway, and C: hetero-
fermentation (6-phosphogluconate pathway)

way with the almost exclusive formation of
lactic acid (homofermentation), via the pentose
phosphate pathway with formation of lactic
acid, acetic acid (ethanol), and possibly CO 2
(heterofermentation) or via both pathways. These
metabolic pathways are shown in Fig. 10.20.
Organisms that are obligatorily homofermen-
tative have fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, but
not glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and
6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. However,
organisms that are obligatorily heterofermenta-
tive have both dehydrogenases, but no aldolase.
Facultatively homofermentative organisms have
all three enzymes and can use both metabolic
Apart from the type of fermentation, the configu-
ration of the lactic acid formed also depends on
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