Food Chemistry

(Sean Pound) #1
12.3 Muscle Tissue: Composition and Function 581

A polypeptide chain with an aldehyde residue (I)
can interact with a lysine residue of the adja-
cent chain to form an aldimine, which can be
further reduced to peptide-bound lysinonor-
leucine (III):


If hydroxylysine is involved, an aldimine formed
initially can be converted to a more stable
β-aminoketone by Amadori rearrangement


Likewise, aldehyde II can interact with one
lysine residue through the intermediary dehy-
dromerodesmosine (IV) to merodesmosine (V)
and, thus, provide cross-links between the three
adjacent polypeptide chains:


During the reaction of three aldehyde molecules
of type I with a lysine residue (actually a total of
four lysine side chains are involved), a pyridine
derivative is formed which, depending on the ex-
tent of reduction, yields desmosine (VI), dihydro-
(VII) and tetrahydrodesmosine (VIII):


Depending on the kind of condensation, in add-
ition to desmosine VI, designated as an A-type
condensation product, rings with other substitu-
tion patterns are observed, i. e. B- and C-type con-
densation products:


Pyridinolines have also been detected. They are
probably formed fromβ-aminoketones and the
ω-aldehyde of a hydroxylysine residue:


Studies of bovine muscle collagens have shown
that the pyridinoline content increases with in-
creasing age of the animal and, like the colla-
gen content, negatively correlates with the ten-
derness. In intensively fattened cows, the pyridi-
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