12.9 Meat Aroma 607
Larger amounts of MT are released only on hy-
drolysis of the lipids in the meat of ruminants,
but not from the lipids of prok and poultry meat,
as shown in Table 12.24. In fact, there are indi-
cations that microoganisms present in the stom-
ach of ruminants produce MT which is then in-
corproated into plasmalogens.
The MT concentration in the phospholipids of
bovine muscle increases with increasing age. The
Table 12.24.Release of 12-methyltridecanal (MT) on
hydrolysis of lipids from different animal species
Animal species Lipid (g/kg) MT (μg/g lipid)
Beefa 14–22 55–149
Beefb n.a. 44–63
Veala 12 19
Red deera 25 5
Springboka 14 16
Porka 15–19 1 .3–2. 7
Porkb n.a. 1. 6
Chickenb n.a. 0. 3
Turkeyb n.a. 1. 6
The samples were refluxed:awith HCl (1 h),bat pH 5. 7
(4 h).
n.a.: not analyzed
Table 12.25.Comparison of the aroma substances of
raw (I) and cooked, lean mutton (II)
Compound Amount (μg/kg)
4-Ethyloctanoic acid 255 217
4-Methyloctanoic acid 278 502
(E)-2-Nonenal 27 21
(E,E)-2,4-Decadienal 2. 94. 6
(E,E)-2,4-Nonadienal 1. 43. 8
(Z)-1,5-Octadien-3-one 0. 82. 1
< 50 9162
studies conducted until now indicate a linear rela-
tionship, which could be of interest for the deter-
mination of the age of beef.
Important aroma substances of raw and cooked
mutton are listed in Table 12.25. A special feature
is the two branched fatty acids, which are already
present in the raw meat and produce the “mut-
ton” odor. (E)-2-Nonenal and the other odor sub-
stances from lipid peroxidation are also present
in not inconsiderable concentrations in the raw
meat. Only HD3F is formed during cooking.
12.9.3 Process Flavors
Aromas obtained by heating aroma precursors are
used in the aromatization of foods. An import-
ant aim of process flavors is the production of
odor qualities similar to those of meat. This is
achieved especially on heating cysteine with ri-
bose, as shown in Table 12.26. Glucose is less ef-
fective and rhamnose promotes the formation of
For economic reasons, attempts are made to re-
place individual precursors with inexpensive ma-
terials, e. g., a relatively inexpensive protein hy-
Table 12.26.Formation of relevant aroma substances
on heating cysteine with ribose, glucose or rhamnosea
Amount (μg/kg)
Compound Ribose Glucose Rhamnose
2-Furfurylthiol 12. 12. 80. 8
2-Methyl-3-furanthiol 19. 81. 90. 8
3-Mercapto-2-pentanone 59. 913. 97. 3
3(2H)-furanone (HD3F) 18. 579. 419 , 800
aMixtures of cysteine (3.3 mmol) and the monosaccha-
ride (10 mmol) dissolved in phosphate buffer (100 ml;
0 .5mol/l; pH 5.0) were heated to 145◦Cin20min.