16.2 Individual Constituents 761
Fig. 16.3.Biosynthesis of cyanogenic glucosides
Fig. 16.4.Lima beans: linamarin degradation, resulting in a release of hydrocyanic acid
Table 16.23.Amount of glycoside-bound hydrocyanic
acid in food
Food HCN
(mg/100 g)
Lima beana 210–310
Bitter almond 280–310
Sorghum sp. 250
Cassava 110
Pea 2. 3
Bean 2. 0
Chick pea 0. 8
aIn the United States new cultivars have been devel-
oped that contain only 10 mg HCN/100 g seed.
rived from phenylalanine or tyrosine, but not lina-
As shown in Fig. 16.4,β-glucosidase hydrolysis
produces an unstable hydroxynitrile which slowly
degrades into the corresponding carbonyl com-
pound and HCN. However, most legume seeds
contain a hydroxynitrile lyase which accelerates
this reaction.
16.2.7 Lipids∗
With the exception of soybeans and peanuts,
the lipid content of most legumes is so low
(cf. Table 16.2) that they can not be considered
∗The composition of soy and peanut lipids is covered
in Chapters 3 and 14.