18.1 Fruits 815
Table 18.3.Average chemical composition of fruits (as % of fresh edible portion)
Fruit Dry Total Titratable Dietary Pectinb Ash pH
matter sugar aciditya fiber
Apple 16. 011. 10. 62. 10. 60. 33. 3
Pear 17. 512. 40. 23. 10. 50. 43. 9
Apricot 14. 78. 51. 41. 61. 00. 63. 7
Sour cherry 14. 79. 91. 81. 00. 30. 53. 4
Sweet cherry 17. 213. 31. 01. 30. 30. 64. 0
Peach 12. 98. 50. 61. 90. 50. 53. 7
Plum/prune 16. 310. 21 .5(Ä)c 1. 60. 90. 53. 3
Blackberry 15. 36. 21. 73. 20. 50. 53. 4
Strawberry 10. 25. 71. 11. 60. 50. 5
Currant, red 15. 34. 82 .3(C)c 3. 50. 90. 63. 0
Currant, black 18. 76. 32 .6(C)c 6. 81. 70. 83. 3
Raspberry 15. 54. 52 .1(C)c 4. 70. 40. 53. 4
Grapes 18. 915. 20 .9(W)c 1. 50. 30. 53. 3
Orange 14. 38. 31. 11. 60. 53. 3
Grapefruit 11. 47. 41. 51. 60. 43. 3
Lemon 9. 83. 24. 90. 52. 5
Pineapple 15. 412. 30. 71. 00. 43. 4
Banana 26. 420. 00 .6(Ä)c 1. 80. 90. 84. 7
Cherimoya 25 .913 0. 20. 9
Date 80 65. 11. 38. 71. 8
Fig 20 13 0. 42. 00. 60. 7
Guava 17 5. 80. 95. 20. 70. 7
Mango 19 12. 50. 31. 70. 50. 5
Papaya 11 7. 10. 11. 70. 60. 6
aSum: citric acid + malic acid + tartaric acid.
bResults are expressed as calcium pectate.
cCalculated as malic (M), citric (C), or tartaric acid (T).