864 19 Sugars, Sugar Alcohols and Honey
Table 19.2.Nutritional/physiological properties of carbohydrate-derived sweeteners
Sweetener Resorption Utilization Effect on blood Other properties
in metabolism sugar level and
insulin secretion
Sucrose Effective after Hydrolysis to fruc- Moderately high Cariogenic
being hydrolyzed tose and glucose
Glucose Effective Insulin-dependent High Less cariogenic than
in all tissues sucrose
Fructose Faster than by In liver to an extent Low Accelerates alcohol
diffusion process of 80% conversion in liver
Lactose Effective after Hydrolysis to glu- High Intolerance by humans
being hydrolyzed cose and galactose lacking lactase
enzyme; laxative effect
Sorbitol Diffusion Oxidation to Low Slightly cariogenic and
fructose laxative
Mannitol Diffusion Partially utilized by Low Slightly cariogenic and
liver laxative
Xylitol Diffusion Utilized preferen- Low Not cariogenic, avail-
tially by liver and able data indicate an
red blood cells anticariogenic effect;
mildly laxative
Hydrogenated After hydrolysis Variable depending Variable, Slightly cariogenic;
glucose syrup glucose effective; on composition composition mildly laxative
sorbitol by dependent
Arabinitol Diffusion Not metabolized by None Side effects unknown;
humans probably laxative
Galactose Effective Isomerization to High Forms cataracts in the
glucose eyes in feeding trials with
rats; probably laxative
Isomaltitol None Probably not None Side effects unknown;
metabolized strongly laxative
Lactitol None Partialhydrolysis to None Side effects unknown;
galactose and sorbitol strongly laxative
Lactulose None No hydrolysis None Effects the N-balance;
strongly laxative,
Maltitol Effective as glu- Hydrolysis to glu- Probably slight Side effects unknown;
cose after hydro- cose and sorbitol laxative
lysis; sorbitol by
Maltose Effective after Hydrolysis to High Cariogenic; intraven-
hydrolysis glucose ously given it appears to
be utilized directly and,
like glucose, it is insulin-
L-Sorbose Diffusion Utilizedpreferen- Probably slight Feeding trials with dogs
tially by liver revealed hemolytic
anemia at a higher
dosage; probably
D-Xylose Diffusion Not metabolized by None Forms cataract in the
humans eyes in feeding trials with
rats; probably laxative