954 21 Coffee, Tea, Cocoa
of great importance for tea fermentation. Their
activity rises during the leaf withering and rolling
process and then drops during the fermentation
stage, probably as a consequence of reactions
of some products (e. g., o-quinones) with the
enzyme proteins.
5-Dehydroshikimate reductasewhich reversibly
interconverts dehydroshikimate and shikimate is
a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of phenolic
compounds via the phenylalanine pathway.
Phenylalanine ammonia-lyasewhich catalyzes
the cleavage of phenylalanine into transcin-
namate and NH 3 , is equally important for
the biosynthesis of phenols. Its activity in tea
leaves parallels the content of catechins and
Proteinases cause protein hydrolysis during
withering, resulting in a rise in peptides and free
amino acids.
The observed oxidation of linolenic acid to (Z)-
3-hexenal, which then partly isomerizes to (E)-2-
hexenal, is catalyzed by alipoxygenaseand ahy-
droperoxide lyase(cf. and also occurs
by autoxidation. (Z)-3-Hexenal contributes to the
aroma of green tea.
Chlorophyllasesparticipate in the degradation of
chlorophyll andtransaminasesin the production
of precursors for aroma constituents.
Demethylation of pectins bypectin methyl es-
terase(cf. results in the formation of
a pectic acid gel, which affects cell membrane
permeability, thus resulting in a drop in the rate
of oxygen diffusion into leaves during fermenta-
tion. Amino Acids
Free amino acids constitute about 1–3% of the
dry matter of the tea leaf. Of this, 50% is thea-
nine (5-N-ethylglutamine) and the rest consists
of protein-forming amino acids;β-alanine is also
Green tea contains more theanine than black tea.
Generally, there is a characteristic difference in
amino acid content as well as difference in pheno-
lic compounds between the two types of tea (Ta-
ble 21.17).
The contribution of theanine to the taste of green
tea is discussed. Theanine biosynthesis occurs
in the plant roots from glutamic acid and ethy-
Table 21.17.Amino acids and phenolic compounds in
green and black tea (% dry matter)
Tea Phenolic Amino
compounds acids
Green tea
Prime quality (Japan) 13. 24. 8
Consumer quality (Japan) 22. 92. 1
Consumer quality (China) 25. 81. 8
Black tea
Highlands (Sri Lanka) 28. 01. 6
Plains (Sri Lanka) 30. 21. 7
lamine, the latter being derived from alanine. The
compound is then transported into the leaves. The
analogous compounds, 4-N-ethylasparagine and
5-N-methylglutamine, are present at very low lev-
els in tea leaves. Caffeine
Caffeine constitutes 2.5–5.5% of the dry matter
of tea leaves. It is of importance for the taste of
tea. Theobromine (0.07–0.17%) and theophylline
(0.002–0.013%) are also preset but in very low
amounts. The biosynthesis of these two com-
pounds involves methylation of hypoxanthine or
(21.5) Carbohydrates
Glucose (0.72%), fructose, sucrose, arabinose
and ribose are among sugars present in tea
leaves. Rhamnose and galactose are bound
to glycosides. Polysaccharides found include