Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

2. Basic Techniques

The following pages discuss the Muay Thai techniques
that need to be learned ɹrst. Practice the techniques in
shadowboxing and on a punching bag. You can watch the
techniques on the DVD Muay Thai: Basic Techniques (2012).
If you have already learned other techniques at a club,
you can add these to the kata (see “Forms Derived from
the Basic Techniques,” this page) or to the “Workouts” in
chapter 6.

The Fight Stance

All techniques originate from the ɹght stance. Take your
position with an upright stance, your feet parallel to each
other and shoulder-width apart. Right-handed
practitioners move the left foot forward and turn the right
foot about forty-ɹve degrees to the side. The opposite
applies for the left-handed. In the stance, you rest on the
balls of your feet with the rear heel somewhat raised.
Keep your body upright and turn it slightly forward and
to the side. At the same time, bend your chin slightly
toward your chest. Keep your front hand up on the level
of your eyebrows, and your rear hand above your chin.
Your muscles are relaxed, especially in the shoulders.
Target your opponent’s central body with your eyes. Don’t
concentrate on only one point, but try to look at the

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