Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
Kem (in blue) is right-handed and thus fights in a conventional stance, with his left
hand in front. Saiyok (in red) demonstrates the southpaw stance.

Important Tips: Training for the Eyes

and Steps

This exercise helps to improve the feeling of
distance, defense, and side steps. Practice side steps
with a change of stance and evasive moves until they
become natural and you don’t have to think about
Fix your gaze on object, such as a bolt or a piece
of string (here we used a bandage). Secure the string
high enough so that the object is at head height.
Push the object slightly away from you. Whenever it
comes back, take a step forward to the left or right.
Then move back to your original position. It’s
important not to take overly small steps and to keep
your balance. Athletes with a conventional stance
change their stance by moving the right foot
forward. Southpaws change the stance with a step to
the left.

A–C: Push, semicircle to the right, and semicircle to the left.

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