Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Important Tips: Visualizing Targets

and Techniques

In training, always imagine exactly where the target
is and how you can hit it with your technique.
Think, for example, how a side elbow makes contact
with the jaw, how an uppercut hits the chin from
below, and how a knee kick hits the body.
Imagination is especially useful in shadowboxing
and punching bag training, and it is also good for
solo training. By visualizing the point of impact for
your technique, you learn to act consciously and to
tense your muscles at the right moment.

Another good exercise is to visualize complete
technical processes, ɹrst at a slow pace and then
increasingly faster. In the case of a straight punch
from the rear, visualize how you slightly push oʃ
from your rear foot and how you step forward with
your front foot. Next, move your ɹst to the front
while your elbow remains down for as long as
possible. Your rear foot, hips, and body turn along
with the motion. Shortly before impact, turn your
ɹst and hit with your knuckles from slightly above

Visualize your defense positions, counter
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