Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

hooks. You can target the jaw or the temples. A heavy
blow will numb your opponent or even render him
unconscious. The lower ribs and the liver are also good

  • From the ɹght stance, step forward with your front foot
    and shorten your distance.

  • Some ɹghters also step slightly sideways with their rear
    foot before they deliver a side hook from the rear. This
    improves your balance, but the hook clearly requires
    more time.

  • Shift your weight to the leg on the active side of your
    body, and turn the upper side of your body slightly to
    the side.

  • Raise your fist. The other fist remains above your jaw.

  • Carry out a lateral stroke. Your body and hips turn
    along with the move and put your weight behind it.

  • Quickly return your fist to the original position.

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