Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

the chin or the nasal bone if your opponent bends down
or the kick is carried out in a jump. At close distances,
you can grab your opponent around the neck and pull the
opponent in. It is important to stretch your knee as far as

  • For a technique with your rear leg, step forward with
    your front foot.

  • To knee kick with your front leg, you ɹrst have to
    change the stance. Step forward with your rear foot or
    jump back with your front foot.

  • Deliver the knee kick in a direct line. In the process,
    your heel is raised and your stretched pivot leg turns
    along with the move to the outside.

  • On impact, move your hip forward and lean back with
    your upper body. Pay attention to your guard.

  • Quickly return to your fight stance.

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