Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
To cool down the body, do an exercise at low
intensity for about ɹve minutes. This could
include slow jogging or relaxed rope-skipping.
Finish the training with a few static stretching
exercises for stressed muscles. You should not,
however, assume any intensive stretch positions,
and you should not hold the stretch positions for
more than ten seconds.


Stretch in preparation for training in Muay Thai
techniques and afterward to accelerate the process of
regeneration. Well-developed ɻexibility in the shoulders,
hips, and inner and back leg muscles is important in Muay
Thai. If these groups of muscles are too short, you should
concentrate additional training sessions exclusively on
stretching. If you don’t have the time for additional
sessions, you can do some static stretching exercises at the
end of a Muay Thai training session. Concentrate on the
groups of muscles that you want to improve. An extensive
stretching program after an intensive Muay Thai training
session isn’t useful, as the body is too tired.

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