Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

important in training. It develops blood circulation,
strengthens the immune system, and uses a substantial
proportion of energy extracted from body fat. The types of
physical activity recommended are jogging, cycling,
walking, and indoor training while connected to a cardio
device. Well-developed basic stamina has a positive eʃect
in all kinds of sports. The heart rate quickly returns to
normal, and the time required for regeneration is reduced.
This is especially important in competition, as it makes
you physically ɹt and able to concentrate for longer
periods. Regular training in this area lowers your resting
heart rate. After a few weeks you will perform better at
the same heart rate, meaning, for example, that you will
be able to run longer distances and run faster.

3. Fitness Stamina Intensity

You will be at this intensity level if you exert yourself in
training but still able to continue for several minutes. This
intensity level is too much if you have to stop because of
excessive acidity in the muscles. Fitness stamina intensity
can be determined precisely with the help of a heart
monitor. This level of intensity corresponds to about 85
percent of your maximum heart rate.
At this level you train your muscles and general ɹtness.
In training this level of intensity feels like a strain, and
after training your muscles clearly feel more strained as
well. You can use any kind of stamina training to achieve
this level of intensity, including especially those activities
where the level of intensity can be adapted to these

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