Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
one foot across the moving rope onto your other foot.
This is the fastest possible way to cross the rope.

  • One-legged skip: skip several times with one foot across
    the moving rope before changing legs. Beginners will
    start to feel the intensity after ɹve skips. Advanced
    athletes can easily perform twenty consecutive skips
    on the same leg.

  • Skipping with bent knees: pull one knee toward your
    upper body while you jump across the rope with your
    other leg. Then pull up your skipping leg and jump
    with your other leg. Alternate the right and left legs,
    and keep pulling up the knee of your opposite leg.

  • Skipping with crossed arms: jump oʃ the ɻoor and
    cross your arms in front of your body before the rope
    goes under your feet. Uncross your arms as soon as the
    rope is above your body.

  • Double-rotation skip: jump with both feet far oʃ the
    ground and pull your knees toward your chest. In the
    process, the rope passes twice before your feet return
    to the ɻoor. Only advanced athletes can use this
    technique as it takes a lot of strength and good

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