Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

train foreign ɹghters, which means that his career must be
considered special and was only achieved by a few
athletes. Danny Bille and Ramon Dekker should also be
mentioned, as they were prepared to compete
unconditionally and without any restrictions against the
best Thai fighters in their weight class.


To be able to reach your great goal in Muay Thai, you
must concentrate completely on achievement. There are
many distractions on the way; you must be aware of them
and avoid them. As an example, it is absolutely
indispensable for a ɹghter to concentrate completely on
preparation for a fight. It’s necessary to explain your plans
to your family to gain their understanding, so that you
don’t have to waste valuable energy in conɻict and
The Thai boxing superstar Saiyok Pumphanmuang had
the chance to return as a competitive ɹghter after about a
year away from competition. He concentrated completely
on this opportunity, and his family supported him with
their understanding; he succeeded in not losing a single
fight in the subsequent four years.

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