Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1
A flying kick from Armin Windysport.


No Thai boxer will succeed without the necessary
ambition. It can be developed in many ways, and the more
focused you are on your motivation and the ambition it
develops, the more you can focus on your career as a Thai
Some preconditions can’t be changed and must be
accepted. Some Thai boxers are fortunate to have
extraordinary talent and to learn technical skills quickly,
or to have an extraordinary performance level in areas of
ɹtness, such as physical strength, speed, and stamina.
Other Thai boxers are superbly promoted by an especially
good trainer. Still, without the necessary ambition, a
successful Thai boxing career is impossible. If you face a
diɽcult starting point, keep in mind that the attainment
of your goal may take quite some time. The ambition you
develop, however, will pay long-term dividends. For
example, in a competition, your ambition might allow you
to make one move more than your opponent, which might
prove to be the decisive advantage.
Terdkiat Sitteppetiak was one of Muay Thai’s superstars
in the 1990s and was considered one of the world’s best
ɹghters for years. He was known to train mostly by
himself in his home province, and he joined larger
training groups in Bangkok only for short periods. Only by
his overpowering ambition and clear vision of his
objectives was he able to achieve his extraordinary level

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