Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1


It is an advantage, but not of fundamental importance, to
start Muay Thai training at the age of ɹfteen to eighteen.
Many athletes who started training when they were older
have still been able to enjoy international success. It is
generally assumed that an athlete should be ready to
compete in competitions after two years of intensive

Plans for an Athletic Career

It is also extremely important to plan your athletic career
properly. If the task is taken on by a manager, you must
ɹrst take a good look at that person’s background and
keep control of things. A manager can work on a boxer’s
career for the long term or could just be interested in
short-term profit.

Belief in Yourself

As a Thai boxer, you must believe in yourself and never
doubt your goals. If your trainer and your personal
environment don’t offer the necessary support, you can try
other ways to realize your dream. It is important to give it
your best at all times. As an athlete you never know when
your career will come to an end, as you could suʃer a
career-ending injury at any time. This happened to me,
and I was unable to continue ɹghting in competitions. If
you always give your best, you will be better prepared—
should it happen that way—to accept the unplanned end

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