Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

What does Muay Thai mean to you in your life?

Muay Thai is my profession, and like other people
going to work, I have workdays and free time. My
income depends on my results in competitions.
Muay Thai has provided me with a better lifestyle. I
hope that Muay Thai, an important part of Thai
cultural heritage, will continue to exist in the way
we still remember the ɹghter Nai Khanom Tom
today. I also hope that Muay Thai will become an
Olympic sport.

When did you start your training? What was
your ɹrst professional ɹght like, and how did
your career develop?

I started my training at the Kai Yomarat Camp Sor
Payayam [in Phitsanulok]. At the time I had already
competed in two ɹghts. In my ɹrst ɹght I was
nervous and excited, and I followed my instincts. My
brother prepared me, and we used ideas we got from
watching ɹghts on TV. After two years of training in
Phitsanulok my trainer sent me to the bigger camp
in Kantaburi, where I trained from age thirteen until
I was twenty-one. I now train at the Muay Thai Plaza
Gym in Bangkok. My manager is Mr. Pong, and my
trainer is Khru Pit. I like to train at a gym with a
friendly atmosphere, and that’s the case at the Muay
Thai Plaza Gym. Other gyms oʃered contracts, but I

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