Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

3. Main Techniques Training

In the main part of the training session, you practice
attacking techniques and their combinations as well as
defense and counter techniques. The training session
includes shadowboxing, pad training, punching bag
training, partner training, and clinching, not necessarily in
that order. Advanced athletes extend their training
sessions with rounds of sparring.


In shadowboxing, you train your techniques and ɹght
tactics in the air. Be careful not to overextend your joints,
and don’t let down your guard. Act as if you were facing a
real opponent. Move toward your opponent and dodge.
Use attacking techniques, and defend and counter against
the techniques of your imaginary opponent.
Shadowboxing can also be done in front of a mirror.
In the course of fight preparation, shadowboxing will be

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