Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Saiyok trains in shadowboxing for relatively long
periods. Each training session contains three or four
rounds of four minutes each. Kem is satisɹed with one
round of five minutes.

Pad Training

In pad training, you practice each technique against a
handheld pad to develop a sense of distance and timing
for use in competition. Pay attention to correct technical
execution, a stable stance, balance, and your guard. Take
your time and avoid rash moves. The trainer attacks your
defense by hitting the pads gently against the gaps in your
guard. The power and pace depend on the trainer’s
instructions. Techniques are initially trained in
individually, and later in combination. A combination will
frequently be repeated in the course of one round.
In ɹght preparation, the trainer simulates diʃerent
situations and ɹght styles. For example, the trainer can
apply pressure by repeatedly moving toward the ɹghter,
who must stop the trainer with his or her techniques. The
trainer can also use attacking techniques to develop the
athlete’s counters. In this way the trainer teaches the Thai
boxer the fight tactics required for the next competition.

Tips from Kem

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