Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

Avoid any rash moves and use the right timing. Train with
combinations, but also train by instinct. The trainer
watches and gives instructions, such as the use of certain
techniques, in order to change behavior patterns.
It is best to train on a big, heavy bag so that you can
deliver all techniques with power. Inexperienced athletes
initially use a bag with soft ɹlling such as fabric.
Experienced athletes use a bag with a hard ɹlling such as
wood shavings in order to harden the body as well.
For ɹght preparation, the trainer determines some
combinations that are suitable against the ɹght style of
the upcoming opponent. The Thai boxer has to train in
these combinations time and again so that they can be
applied instinctively in a fight.

Tips from Saiyok

Use all the techniques you know, and also
make use of combinations.
Always stay on the move.
Train with the full use of your power.
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