Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

so as to avoid injuries. For example, the attacker delivers
a straight punch from the front, which the defender
deɻects to the inside and subsequently counters. The
technique is repeated a number of times before the
positions are reversed. You can also practice free partner
training: one of the partners only attacks, and the other
defends and counters. In pad training, watch your timing
and coordination. The techniques must be delivered in a
controlled way; otherwise the defender will tense up and
use only familiar techniques.
For ɹght preparation, train in techniques tailored to
your next opponent. If that person is known for aggressive
moves, train in counters to stop the attacks or to deɻect
them sideways.


Advanced athletes add free sparring to their training. The
emphasis is on free training in defense and counter
techniques, so the techniques are not agreed on ahead of
time. This simulates real ɹght conditions. Concentrate on
the sparring session, but don’t ɹght at full strength. The
trainer must watch the athletes and correct mistakes. The
techniques that may be used are determined beforehand.
For example, if you need to practice protecting your head,
you might only train in boxing sparring.

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