Muay Thai Training Exercises

(Ben Green) #1

For intensive sparring, you should wear protective
equipment. In Thai gyms the athletes often train with little
contact and go without protective equipment. If they train
with more power, however, Thai athletes also use
protective gear.
For ɹght preparation, choose a training partner whose
ɹght style is as similar as possible to your next opponent.
When sparring, your partner imitates your upcoming
opponent’s fight style. The training athlete must follow the
fight tactics determined by the trainer.
Saiyok and Kem include partner training and sparring in
each training session. Saiyok trains with a partner for
thirty minutes in the morning and for sixty minutes in the
afternoon. He spars with 50–70 percent of his power and
practices sparring exclusively one time per week. Kem
trains with a partner for ɹfteen to twenty minutes in each
session and uses 70–80 percent of his maximum strength.
Sparring is on the agenda twice per week.


Clinch training is carried out at the end of technical
training. Clinch training covers gripping, holding, and
improving the clinch position. The boxer targets strikes
and throws on the training partner, using little power and
without a full range of movement. You will improve your
stamina and strength, particularly the strength of your

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