(nextflipdebug2) #1
8.3 Particular prepositions, particles: contrasts (1)

Write: Supply suitable words. Refer to the notes only when you have to.

of, out of, from or with after made?
You rarely find toys made °f.i.<M>.?f. solid wood. 23
Beer is made hops. 24
Bronze is made copper and tin. 25
This sauce is made fresh cream. 26
of or off? 27
We live south the river. 28
Our house is just the main road. 29
on or In? 30
There's a black mark your nose. 31
I've got a speck of dust my eye.
I've got a deep cut my foot. 32
I've got a light scratch my arm. 33
out of or outside? 34
We ran the house, into the street. 35
Mr Ray's not here. He's his office. 36
Please wait the headmaster's study. 37
There was a big crowd the building. 38
with or without?
Enter the room making a noise. 39
16 all our expenses, we can't save. 40
17 She was very angry me. 41
I turned blue cold. 42
'Life father' is a famous book. 43
As an orphan, I grew up parents. 44
He stood his hands in his pockets. 45
I was green envy! 46

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9








over, above or on top of?
I can't sleep with a light my head.
Don't put that cup my papers, please.
The helicopter was the lifeboat.
My bedroom is the kitchen.
We have the sky us.
We don't want a boss like that us.
Major is the rank of Captain.
His work is average.
The answer is on the next page. See
under, underneath or below?
There's nothing new the sun.
I think she's 17.
Put a mat that saucepan.
The stone hit me just the knee.
What's the rank of Captain?
She swam just the surface.
I have two people me at work.
with, without, in or of?
Who's the woman the green umbrella?
I can't pay. I'm any money.
The camera comes a case included.
Who's the woman the green blouse?
He spoke a quiet voice.
He's a man a red moustache.
She's a woman 38.
She's a woman intelligence.

8.5B Context

Write: Put in with, out of, over, off, of, in, above, below, on top of.

She was a striking woman^1 Of. about 25, dressed for the races.

(^2) her smart dress and fantastic hat made (^3) feathers, she
drew admiring glances as she walked down the street. Her hat attracted even more
attention when a gust^4 wind lifted it^5 her head and carried it
into the air. We all stopped to watch as this amazing hat flew^6 our heads.
People came^7 buildings and into the street. The young woman
(^8) the smart dress was as entertained as the rest (^9) us.
Suddenly, the hat rested^10 a high building and we lost sight of it. Then the
wind lifted it up again. 'There it is!' cried a man^11 an umbrella. He jabbed
his umbrella at the sky^12 Then an amazing thing happened. The hat
simply disappeared! The mystery was solved when someone shouted^13 a
loud voice. There was a tall yellow crane^14 a high building and the crane
driver looked down at the crowd^15 'Lost your hat, miss7' the crane driver
cried and we all gasped^16 surprise when we saw that the hat had been
caught by his crane!
'Lost your hat, miss?'

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