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8.8 Phrasal verbs: Type 3, verb + particle (intransitive)
Type 4, verb + particle + preposition (transitive)




Verb + particle + preposition + object, idiomatic: 'put up with it'
[> LEG 8.30.3, App 37]
We cannot relate the parts of these verbs to their literal meanings: e.g.
How do you put up with it? (= tolerate)
Match these verbs (1-20) with the explanations on the right (a-t) after
your own way.

1 Your argument boils down to this.
2 I can't go back on my word
3 Please let me in on the secret
4 You'd better talk him out of his plan
5 Some of his good luck has rubbed off on me
6 I can't live up to my reputation
7 I've set up in business
8 That ties in nicely with my plan
9 Who put you up to this?
10 I don't feel up to this party
11 This won't make up for the damage
12 You've got to face up to reality
13 The Cabots look down on us
14 We've had to fall back on our savings
15 I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her
16 I'll get on to them immediately
17 The bill comes out at £100 exactly
18 If you're angry, you don't have to take it out on me
19 I'm glad they've done away with that bad law
20 I'm looking forward to the holidays

you have tried to explain them in

allow me to share
expecting to enjoy
can be summarized as
treat unfairly
accept with courage
fail to honour
maintain the high standard
consider us inferior
compensate for
gave you this idea
stay on good terms
feel well enough for
persuade not to do

8.8E Context

Write: Put in about, down, down on, in, in on, up, up on, up to, up with or to.

It's very difficult for people who sleep silently to^1 piit ..¡^В.шШ... the sound of snoring. Some people
are asleep the moment they^2 lie ; others^3 stay half the night waiting for the
miracle of sleep to "come Even insomniacs snore. Insomniacs are the ones who need to

(^5) lie in the morning to (^6) catch lost sleep. Snorers will never admit to snoring.
They know the rest of the world^7 looks them and they just can't^8 face reality.
My friend, Henry, a champion snorer, has just found a cure and he^9 let me his little secret.
He has just^10 coughed good money for a band with a stud on it. He wears the band round
his head at night and if he tries to sleep on his back, the stud gives him a jab. I'm sure this news will
"cheer all snorers, who now have a new experience to^12 look forward With
one of these on their heads, all they have to lose is their sleep!
He wears this round his head

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