(nextflipdebug2) #1
13.4 Additions and responses




People say things and you respond.

1 I can swim quite well. LÇ^'jPPP./.^.Q.Ç^b.I.-. 7 I once had a holiday in Ireland. ..
2 I can't speak Danish 8 I didn't enjoy that film
3 I really should study more! 9 I was hoping to get home early..
4 I won't be at college tomorrow 10 I've had a terrible cold
5 I love Spanish food 11 I haven't been very well
6 I don't like red wine 12 I thought the concert was awful!.

'So have you' and 'So you have!' [> LEG 13.29.4]

Note the difference between:
I've got a rash on my arm and so have you. (parallel addition)
I've got a rash on my arm. - So you have! (confirmation or surprise)

Write: Tick which statements are additions and those which show confirmation/surprise.
Then continue with similar sentences of your own.

addition confirmation/surprise
1 She's wearing that funny hat again! - So she is! j/
2 He's doing very well at work. - So is she.
3 Maria visits us quite often. - So does Sandro.
4 Sandro looks just like his uncle. - So he does!
5 I've got something in my eye. - So you have!
6 Rosa's got a new bicycle. - So have I.
7 _ _
8 _ _
9 _ _
10 _ _
11 :... _ _

13.4D Context

Write: Put in suitable additions and responses.

im^mK^i^ ^ CRAZY STORY
'What are you having to start with?' I asked my wife. 'I don't know,' she
Jf 1 said. 'I'm not very hungry.' \ answered, 'but I think I'll start


-'мР'я with soup,' '^2 ,' my wife said. The waiter took our order. 'My

ШЁЛ wife would like some soup and^3 'I said. When the waiter
РЯН. brought the soup, I noticed a monkey sitting on a chair beside me.
I )li Suddenly, the monkey's tail was in my soup! 'Waiter! Waiter!' I cried.
There's a monkey's tail in my soup!' '^4 !' the waiter

J^-^J^T (^1 2) ^^1//JIЩm asked.//WM//nía play топке exclaimed. I spoke it forУ belongs 'No,' to the you.' 'I can't the pianist. to pianist remove the 'Do restaurant answered, you it,' I said. know pianist 'but there's ' (^6) if you ' and a monkey's hum he won't it to me, the let tail anyone waiter I'll in my be glad said. soup?' touch to 'This it.' I

. a monkey's tail in my soup!

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