(nextflipdebug2) #1
Key 11.11A-11.13E

10.4 Verbs related in meaning to 'be'

10.4A Certainty and uncertainty with 'be', 'seem',
1 They seem (to be) very happy.
2 He seemed (to be) a genius at maths.
3 She seems to be finding the job difficult.
4 They seemed to be looking for something.
5 He seems to have been knocked out.
6 It seems (to be) very dark outside.
7 It seems to be raining very hard outside.
8 My watch seems to have stopped.

10.4B 'To be' or not 'to be'?
1 (to be) 2 (to be) 3 to be 4 (-) 5 (-) 6 (-) 7 (-)
8 (to be)

10.4C 'Process verbs' related to 'be' and 'become'
Possible answers
I grow 2 get 3 has turned/is turning 4 goes
5 has run/is running 6 becoming 7 has come/
came 8 fell 9 are wearing/have worn 10 get
II become 12 make

10.4D Context
1 seemed/appeared 2 looked 3 smelt
4 got/became 5 seemed/appeared 6 became/got
7 seems/looks 8 feel 9 proves 10 seems

10.5 'Have' as a full verb = 'possess';
'have got' = 'possess'

10.5A 'Have got' = 'own' and 'have got' = 'obtain'
1 have received 2 possess/own 3 possess/own
4 have obtained 5 possess/own 6 have obtained

10.5B Uses of 'have' and 'have got' to mean
1 They have/They've got 2 I don't have/haven't got
3 Do you have/Have you got (Have you is possible,
but less common) 4 My uncle had 5 I've had
6 We'll have 7 I will have had 8 she had had
9 I must have 10 he should have 11 Does your
brother have/Has your brother got (Has your brother
is possible but less common) 12 Will you have
13 Have you had 14 Do you have/Have you got
(Have you is possible but less common)

10.5C Common uses of 'have' and 'have got'
1 Have you got/Do you have 2 have (got) 3 Have
you got/Do you have 4 Have you got/Do you have
5 She has (got) 6 He has (got) 7 He has (got)
8 has (got) 9 haven't (got)/don't have
10 hasn't (got)/doesn't have 11 have you (got)/do
you have 12 have (got) 13 have (got)
14 have (got) 15 has (got) on 16 had she got/did

she have 17 I have (got) 18 did you last have
19 have (got) 20 has (got) 21 have (got)
22 Have you (got)/Do you have 23 have (got)
24 has (got). Note that have you is also possible, but
less common, in 1, 3, 4 and 22.

10.5D Context
1 to have 2 doesn't have/hasn't (got) 3 has
4 has (got) 5 has (got) 6 haven't (got)/don't have
7 has (got) 8 had (got) 9 had 10 had 11 had
12 haven't (got)/don't have

10.6 'Have' as a full verb meaning 'eat',
'enjoy', etc.

10.6A 'Have' (= 'eat', 'enjoy', etc.) compared with
'have (= 'possess')
Write 1 :
1 Do you have 2 They have (got) 3 We have (got)
4 She has 5 I've just had 6 We had 7 She has
(got) 8 I have 9 I don't often have 10 Have you
(got) (or Do you have) 11 they had had
12 did you have
Write 2:
1 Have 2 has 3 is having 4 had 5 were having
6 have had/have been having 7 has been having (or
has had) 8 had ... had 9 had had/had been having
or had 10 will be having 11 will have had
12 will have had

10.6B Common 'have' + noun combinations
Write 1 :
Possible answers
1 We had an awful meal at the Station Hotel.
2 I had a bad dream last night.
3 When are you going to have a haircut?
4 I have an appointment to see Mr Jay at 10.
5 Have a good trip to America!
6 We had a lovely day for the wedding.
7 You'll have a pain if you eat any more apples.
8 Our teacher has a wonderful sense of humour.
Write 2:
1 are always having fights 2 Have a look at
3 have a rest 4 have a ride 5 I had a talk to/with
Jim 6 have a swim 7 have a wash
8 Have a sleep

10.6C Context
1 has (got) 2 has had 3 has (got) 4 has (got)
5 'Has Worzel had? 6 having 7 has/is having
8 have 9 has (got) 10 has (got) 11 aren't having
12 have (got)
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