(nextflipdebug2) #1

5 Quantity

5.5 'Both' and 'all'

5.5A 'Both/both the' and 'all/all the' with nouns [> LEG 5.18.1 -2]


1 We use both and both the (or both my, etc.) in exactly the same way to refer to two particular
people or things (plural countable nouns):
Both children/Both the children are in bed. Both cars/Both the cars are very fast.

2 We use a//+ noun to refer to things in general: (= the whole number or amount):
All children like to play, (plural countables) All advice is useless, (uncountable nouns)

3 All the refers to particular people or things:
All the children in our street like to play. (all the + plural countable nouns)
All the advice you gave me was useless. (all the + uncountable noun)

Write: Supply both (the) or all (the). There is often more than one possibility.

on my bicycle are flat.
2 people are mortal.
3 salt in this bag is damp.
4 drinking water must be pure.
5 ,.. windows in the house are open.

6 addresses in this list are out of date.
7 twins want to go to the party.
8 cars need regular servicing.
9 front legs of this chair are shaky.
10 earth and moon go round the sun.

5.5B 'Both' and 'all': word order with verbs [> LEG 5.19]



Both and all have three basic positions in affirmative sentences [compare > 7.4A]:

after be when it is the only verb in a sentence:
The girls are both ready. (= Both girls/Both the girls are ready.)
The girls are all ready. (= All the girls are ready.)

after auxiliaries {can, etc.) or the first auxiliary when there is more than one:
The girls can both speak French. {= Both girls/Both the girls can speak French.)
The committee should all have resigned. (= All the committee should have resigned.)

before the main verb when there is only one verb:
The girls both left early. {= Both girls/Both the girls left early.)
The girls all left early. (= All the girls left early.)

Rewrite these sentences so that both and all are before or after the verbs.

1 All the customers are complaining .«^e-.
2 Both the patients had appointments at 10
3 Both the directors have retired
4 Both our secretaries can speak French
5 All the customers should have complained
6 Both the boys had haircuts
7 All the pupils may leave now
8 All the students wrote good essays
9 All our employees work too hard
10 All the children must go home early
11 All the children here learn German
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